
Public Records

Keeping the Community Informed

Public Records Available Upon Request

Public records maintained by the District will be made available upon request pursuant to the requirements of the Public Records Law including: all books, papers, maps, photographs, recorded tapes, financial statements and annual reports, subject to the exemptions to the Public Records Law.

Examples of Public Records held and maintained by the District are as follows:
Minutes from meetings, applications, submissions to boards and committees, District financial information, District correspondence, policies regulations, permits, licenses and contracts.

Some public records are available on the District website, including upcoming board meeting notices, recent Annual Reports, and Sewer Use Regulations.

Public Records Process

Guidelines for Request

To request public records, please follow the guidelines provided by the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office. Those guidelines can be accessed at the Secretary of State’s website.

South Essex Sewerage District Guidelines for Public Records Request:

Records Access Officer (“RAO”):
Amy Traynor, Clerk of the District
PO Box 989
Salem, MA 01970
978-744-4550 x123
[email protected]

How to Make a Public Records Request

A person may make a public record request in writing delivered to the RAO via first class mail or electronic mail.

  •  Paper copies: $.05 per page.
  • Time to prepare and compile documents: Over two hours, $25 per hour.